Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. Krásná vánoční kreace. Myslím, že jsem jí už viděl - nebo se pletu? Je to neobvyklé, kompozičně je to solidně vloženo do prostoru a má to nádherné pozitivní barvy.

  2. Je to moje prani k novemu roku, takze jsi to videl na PX.

  3. Sometimes I feel like I don't belong anywhere, & it's gonna take so long for me to get to somewhere, Sometimes I feel so heavy hearted, but I can't explain cuz I'm so guarded. But that's a lonely road to travel, and a heavy load to bear. And it's a long, long way to heaven but I gotta get there
    Can you send an angel?
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    1. Thank you Martina (Czech name?) for very nice words,
      unfortunately I myself can't send you angel, but I am sure, if you place your wish in right place, in your mind, somebody will show up.
      Thanks for links also, not going to used it right now,..
